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>> No no no no, that really wouldn't work becuase:
>> I don't want the game loaded up JUST becuase someone's accessing that port on
>> your computer, that'd be silly as anyone could start JamesBond on your amiga
>> even if you really didn't want to.
> Why else would someone be accessing port 234 (to stick with our example)?
Here's the scene: You are happily surfing the net or playing quake online etc., when suddenly some ideot thinks 'I know, lets give whoever a game of james bond' and then puts in there IP no. without telling them. Suddenly a copy of James Bond jumps onto the screen, causing much annoyance.
>> Although I still don't see how InetD is supposed to be set up, and having
>> people try to set it up on there own is asking a bit much I think...
> Bitch at the miami guy for not having any docs. I've set up my own web servers
> and pop3 (mail) servers, so it is not all that difficult.
AmiTCP btw.
Anyway, I managed to get it working, you forgot to tell me to add an entry in 'services' and then fiddle about with the cli command.
As I've go a program that outputs the command line its given to a file in ram, but lo, I can't get it to output any kind of IP no. or anything.
And AMOS locks up when I try to do anything with the port...
Besides, I don't want to have to expect poor people to fiddle about in the settings like that.
Quake can have a direct TCP connection between two computers, why not GUI TCP commands?
See ya.
Manta Soft - Amiga programing & web page designing